I feel like I've just been run through an intensive 10-week cooking class condensed into a single night. My head hurts—and not just because of all those Grand Cru wines brought home by the House Sommelier. The lesson here: Take a couple professional gourmet chefs clamming and you'll reap the rewards. Not that it felt like work to get to the meal. I'll take this troop clamming any day. My foraging pupils were Becky Selengut, aka Chef Reinvented, who teaches cooking classes at PCC, cooks for hire, and is co-author of the Washington Local and Seasonal Cookbook. Her old colleague from the Herbfarm restuarant, Jet Smith, joined us. And completing the trio was Amy Pennington, the gogogreengardener herself, a former lieutenant to Tom Douglas, creator of Urban Garden Share, and no slouch in the kitchen.
Don't let the fem pink gloves fool you... Most of the conversation simply can't be re-printed, as I'm trying to run a family-friendly blog here. I've been known to let loose some colorful language myself, but these three make drunken sailors sound prim and more than once did I blush in the hot sun.
We started with the oyster beds, which were fully exposed by a low tide that virtually emptied this small bay in south Puget Sound. A few down the hatch and the rest into the bag.Did I mention the extraordinary sun? After a libation and bit of sunbathing in the beautiful sun, we attacked the clam beds. With one other clammer in sight, we had the pick of the litter. I don't think I've ever raked up a limit in such record time. The clams were practically jumping out of the sand volunteering for Becky's Grand Plan. Both native littlenecks and non-native Manila clams filled our buckets. The Manilas have short siphons and can be found just an inch or two below gravelly sand, while the natives are just a little deeper, usually three or four inches beneath the surface. On this day we found mostly Manilas—big ones too.
A patch of sea beans (Salicornia sp.) provided the final treat. We munched on them through the day and took home enough for dinner.
Back at the ranch the cooks started working their magic. A few observations:
Pros work very quickly. I was still polishing off my second glass of rose champagne and the ladies already had three sauces ready to go.
- Pros don't get stressed out, certainly not when entertaining at home for such a small number of guests.
- Pros make it look simple but their hamster-in-a-treadmill brains are forever concocting fiendish new designs to blow the minds of their hapless victims.
Though I'll do my best to parse the recipes here, please understand that the chefs were working improvisationally throughout and I don't think I saw a single measuring cup or spoon on the premises. What follows is an approximation, no doubt made murkier by the myriad wines and champagnes making the rounds. (The alcohol, I now realize, is the equivalent of a forager blindfolding his charges before entering a top secret hunting ground.)
Three Sauces

The third sauce was made with a dried ancho pepper, reconstituted in warm water, seeded, and blended with tomato paste, olive oil, and salt.
First Course: Pan-Fried Pacific Oysters with Clams in Corn Sauce and Drizzled with Chili and Parsley Oils

I mean, isn't that what any of us would do with a few fresh oysters?

Second Course: Cambodian Shellfish Amok
I've actually made a dish similar to this, and the beauty is just how simple it is for us normal home cooks to make. My contribution on this night was to scrub the clams, which is kinda important since freshly foraged clams will have slimy stuff on their shells, while Amy scrubbed and de-bearded the mussels. Onions and kaffir lime leaves got sauteed in coconut oil in a big pot with amok powder and Thai bird chilies. Our pile of shellfish, about 140 clams and two-dozen mussels in all, was then dumped into the pot along with a can of coconut milk and steamed. The shellfish hotpot was finished with fresh lime and cilantro, and served with baguettes for dipping up the curry-like broth.

Third Course: Oyster and Sea Bean Succotash with Stir-fried Bok Choy

And I suppose that's how I feel about the meal in general. Yeah, I was there to witness it but I couldn't quite believe my senses. Our Wine Sommelier, April, who came home to this feast after a late night pre-opening party for the Grand Cru Wine Bar over in Bellevue, is one lucky lady.
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
Lang, I think I gain weight just by reading your blog...nice! Now I'm hungry!
That looks like fun!
I want to try it!
The photo makes me hungry!
Stunningly informative and inspirational, Lang.
I am green, GREEN, with envy! What a totally awesome day/meal.
jealous. grey with envy. hungry after reading that, too.
I feel like I can't find a decent foraging beach in Vancouver. I should hop over to the islands or Gibsons I guess. Even North Vancouver probably has some.
Mary - Day after tomorrow I jump over the mountains. Morels are finally popping up here.
Jen - It is fun! Australia must have clams...
David - Thanks pal! When are we going fishing?
Leslie - The great thing about clamming is you can do it pretty much all year. Ping me...
Camille - Get outside the city. There must be clamming options w/i an hour of Van. So much fun, esp. when the weather cooperates. Next time we'll cook right on the beach!
Wow - that all looks amazing (and, um, I don't even eat seafood). The day sounds just perfect.
I totally missed out! Rain check?
Wow, I didn't know they had seabeans around here. I've only had them once but they were delicious. I thought they grew underwater, but I guess not. I will have to look into how to identify them (any hints??), as I frequent the shores of puget sound pretty often as a diver. Thanks!
Wow, next time can I come... please?? I'm sure it won't take me long to fly over ;o/
I'll add my "Wow" to the chorus. That looks like fantastically tasty fun from start to finish. Thanks~ Brett
Nicole - We started at noon and finished at midnight and there was never a dull moment. Foraging & friends=good times.
Janna - We missed you! There's always a next time.
Eric - Look up the Salicornia genus. Not uncommon 'round these parts.
Janie - The UK must be good for a clam or two...
Brett - Digging ramps looks like fun too!
Oh, that looks incredible! We're currently foraging the treasures of northern Michigan hardwoods in the form of morels and wild leeks galore....but this makes me want to live by the shore:)
looks incredible! I just discovered your blog - another Seattle blogger! - via SouleMama. Lovely.
Now, that makes me hungry!
They looks so delicious!
Can I have some!
I'm really starving!
By the way, thank you for sharing!
Aren't you a lucky man.
So jealous of your clam venture.
I absolutely LOVE sea beans! I so need to look for some next time I hit the beaches. I pickle them in brine and that salty, slightly fermented kick rocks. Need to go chase horse clams soon...
My oh my. I salute you my finny.
Oops, that was me
It is very interesting for me to read that article. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
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